Supporting Occupational Therapy in low & middle income countries
Supporting Occupational Therapyin low & middle income countries


Your grant sparked joy and hope.


- Small Grant recipient

In line with our primary aim to support individual Occupational Therapists and groups of OTs who are contributing towards the development of the OT profession in low or middle income resource settings, OT Frontiers is delighted to welcome grant applications.


Small Project Grants

These grants fund small scale projects or the CPD of colleagues up to £150.


These aim to build:

  • participation in OT service developments at local and national level
  • the continuing professional development of OTs

Find more information and the application form below.


Microsoft Word document [884.5 KB]

The Fliss Akehurst Grant

Fliss Akehurst was a much loved member of OT Frontiers. It was her extraordinary generosity and her passion for promoting rehabilitation and supporting Occupational Therapists in low and middle income countries that made the OT Frontiers larger grants possible. We remember Fliss for her sense of fun and her belief in the value of Occupational Therapy and the work of OT Frontiers.


These grants fund larger projects up to £800.


These aim to help with the following activities:

● participation in OT practice and service development initiatives at local and
national level
● the continuing professional development of individual OTs
● the development of national education programmes through research and
development activities


Find more information and the application form below. 

The Fliss Akehurst Grant Application For[...]
Microsoft Word document [229.4 KB]

Examples of small projects which have received grants from OT Frontiers

  • Asian Spinal Cord Network Conference 2019 - Funding for 2 OTs from Myanmar to attend the conference
Small grant Myanmar 2018.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [250.9 KB]
  • A visit to a Special Needs Unit in Romania in 2019 - Funding was provided to help purchase equipment for sensory integration packs to take to Romania.
Volunteering in a School in Deva 2019.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [433.6 KB]
  • Occupational Therapy Training Event in Uganda 2017,  A training event organised and run in a joint project with Ugandan OTs
Uganda Training 2017 End Report - Websit[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [272.7 KB]
  • Summer school organised by Ho Gent University and held in Uganda in August/September 2017 -  3 Rwandan students attended the Summer School with the help of funding from OT Frontiers.  
Adobe Acrobat document [197.8 KB]
  • Occupational Therapy Professional Development Day in Malawi 2016


Professional development day feedback (1[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [145.1 KB]


  • The Uganda Mental Health Position Statement


  • The Zambia OT Education Programme needs assessment



Future meetings:


18 January 2025


OTs, students, and others interested in occupational therapy in low and middle income countries are very welcome to participate in these rich, varied and thought-provoking conferences that provide exciting opportunities for networking, meaningful discussion and certified CPD activity. Contact to register.

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