Supporting Occupational Therapy in low & middle income countries
Supporting Occupational Therapyin low & middle income countries




World Federation of Occupational Therapists


The official international organisation for the promotion of occupational therapy, which includes OTION (Occupational Therapy International Online Network), a forum that enables occupational therapists, assistants and students from across the world to network, share ideas and communicate with the profession as a whole. Find more information here



Our sister organisation, ADAPT focuses on physiotherapy in low and middle income countries. It is the professional network of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) relating to international health and development. ADAPT welcome members from all professions. Find them here

Humanity & Inclusion (formerly Handicap International)


Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent international aid organisation working alongside disabled and vulnerable people in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Their areas of action include rehabiliation, health and prevention, humanitarian emergencies, inclusion, disability rights and explosive weapons (involving weapons clearance, risk education and victim assistance). Find more information here.

MAITS (Multi Agency International Training and Support)


MAITS is a UK charity. Its aim is to facilitate capacity-building amongst staff working in the disability and mental health sectors in low-resource countries. This is achieved through the provision of grants and support aimed at enabling skill sharing through face-to-face training and the development of materials for use by staff on the ground. Find more information here

Communication Therapy International (CTI)


CTI is an international network for anyone interested in or working in the field of Speech and Language Therapy/Pathology or communication disability in the UK or overseas, including professionals, volunteers, parents and carers, as well as those with a communication disability themselves. Their central focus is supporting access to information and resources for those working in low and middle income countries. Find more information here

Health Books International (formerly TALC)


This a charity that supplies a wide range of low cost books and accessories to health workers in developing countries worldwide. Find them here

Knowledge for Change


A charity aiming to improve healthcare and education provision for society's poorest people in low and middle income countries. Their work includes the placement of professional volunteers, infrastructural developments, provision and repair of medical equipment, staff training and capacity building, working with local educational institutions to develop curricula, organising staff exchange programmes and running ethical and educational elective placements for students. Find more information here



A knowledge-sharing platform on disability and inclusion in development and humanitarian contexts, Source is an international online resource centre providing free access to a unique online collection of information resources with many materials from developing countries including both published and unpublished literature not readily available elsewhere. Find Source here

World Health Organisation


WHO is the United Nations agency that, as well as leading global efforts to expand universal health coverage, direct and coordinate the world’s response to health emergencies. Their website is also resource rich with information about health provision across the globe and about good practice in these settings. Find WHO here


One of their initiatives is INCLUDE, an online learning community for Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR), with modules examining different aspects of CBR. It provides CBR case studies, tools for personal reflection and action plans, and opportunities for interaction with others in the CBR community. Find INCLUDE here and the CBR matrix here

Cerebral Palsy Africa (CPA)


CPA is a Dutch charity working in countries throughout Africa to improve the lives of children with cerebral palsy through raising awareness of the benefits of therapy and through training for community workers, teachers, parents and therapists. Find them here

Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET)


Working towards global access to healthcare, THET trains and educates health workers in Africa and Asia, working in partnership with organisations and volunteers from across the UK. Find them here

Elizabeth Casson Trust


A charity aiming to advance the profession of occupational therapy and support the development of occupational therapists by commissioning special projects and research and by providing funding for the professional development of occupational therapists. Find them here



A frontline medical aid charity born of the NHS, UK-Med has been working for over thirty years towards providing healthcare to those in need when crises or disasters hit. Find them here


Healthcare workers committed to emergency humanitarian response are invited to join their Community of Practice. Find details here


Future meetings:


18 January 2025


OTs, students, and others interested in occupational therapy in low and middle income countries are very welcome to participate in these rich, varied and thought-provoking conferences that provide exciting opportunities for networking, meaningful discussion and certified CPD activity. Contact to register.

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