Supporting Occupational Therapy in low & middle income countries
Supporting Occupational Therapyin low & middle income countries


Invitation for Presentation Proposals
You are a fabulously experienced, innovative and insightful group and we’re delighted to create space to learn more from each other. If you would like to present at one of the upcoming OT Frontiers meetings, we invite you to submit a presentation proposal to
Working Group Updates
Education Working Group
The Education Working Group celebrated a huge success last year in the Joint Study Day with our sister organisations, ADAPT (Physiotherapists for Global Health) and CTI (Communication Therapy International). The group is now gearing up for a relaunch and is looking for both interested members AND a new lead. The group’s aims include university and student liaison, and identifying areas of development and initiative within education. Please get in touch if you feel inspired by these opportunities! 
Paediatric Working Group
2024 saw the launch of a new Paediatric working group; if paediatrics in LMICs (Low and Middle Income Countries) interests you, it’s not too late to join. Just let us know and we’ll link you up with the right people.
Impact Working Group
Our AGM in the Autumn involved a space to reflect on members’ experiences of OT Frontiers, hosted by the Impact Working Group. The outcome was a celebration of the way the network had benefited members as they navigated work in LMICs. With the aim of understanding the impact of OT Frontiers to inform future decision-making, the Impact Group provides a unique opportunity for members to fast-track getting to know the network. Get in touch if you’d like to jump in, as this group is also currently recruiting.

Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Working Group
Along with an exciting collaboration with ADAPT and CTI to share learning around JEDI values, this group is incubating a stimulating new podcast! To get involved, drop us an email - new faces welcome.

Online Resources Working Group
Recently relaunched, the Resources group is looking at the development of resources on the OT Frontiers website. An incredibly valuable toolkit for therapists working in LMICs - and a mammoth task! Get in touch if you’d like to take part.
For all working group enquiries, email Plenty of support is available if you're keen but new!
The 8th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress 2024 (APOTC2024)
This Congress will be taking place in Sapporo, Japan, from 6-9th November 2024, with the theme of Empowering Collaborative Community: Sustainable and Evidence-Based Occupational Therapy. More information can be found here: (
Our Next Meeting: 19th October 2024
We continue to be inspired and encouraged by this wonderful network and the stories you’ve shared of ways OT Frontiers has supported or encouraged you. We look forward to connecting at our next online meeting and fostering more wonderful connections!

You can also browse the historical news that interested and inspired OT Frontiers, helping inform and form us into the network we are today, here


Future meetings:


18 January 2025


OTs, students, and others interested in occupational therapy in low and middle income countries are very welcome to participate in these rich, varied and thought-provoking conferences that provide exciting opportunities for networking, meaningful discussion and certified CPD activity. Contact to register.

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